Begin your wine journey here. Explore foundational concepts, laid out in a clear and progressive order, setting the stage for your wine exploration. 

  • South Africa, with a winemaking history that dates back to the 17th century, has emerged as a prominent wine-producing country. The country's diverse terroirs, influenced by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, result in a wide array of wine styles. Here's an overview of South African wines, focusing on the key grape varieties and their taste profiles:

  • Germany, known for its picturesque vineyards and cool climate, has a long winemaking history dating back to Roman times. The country is renowned for its elegant, high-quality wines, with a focus on white grape varieties. Here's an overview of German wines, highlighting the key grape varieties and their taste profiles.

Delve deeper. This section offers a detailed exploration, building upon and enhancing the knowledge you’ve gained from the Foundation. Dive into the nuances and intricacies of the wine world. 

  • Super Tuscans are high-quality wines produced in Tuscany, Italy, that diverge from traditional Italian wine regulations.

    These wines were born in the 1970s when some winemakers, dissatisfied with the restrictions of the Chianti DOC regulations, started to experiment with grape varieties and winemaking techniques that were not allowed within the official classification system.

  • Sauternes, the luscious and complex dessert wine from the Bordeaux region of France, has long been revered for its unique character and rich, honeyed flavors.

    Produced from grapes affected by the "noble rot" fungus, Sauternes offers a one-of-a-kind tasting experience that has captivated wine lovers for centuries.

  • The world of fine wine is a realm of exceptional craftsmanship, unparalleled quality, and often, staggering prices.

    The most expensive wines in the world command their value through a combination of rarity, prestige, and an unforgettable taste.

Wine Sections

Tasting and Enjoying Wine | Bernard Marr | Wine Cellar

Tasting & Enjoying Wine

Understanding Wine Making | Bernard Marr | Wine Cellar

Understanding Wine Making

Understanding Wine Regions | Bernard Marr | Wine Cellar

Understanding Wine Regions

Understanding Grape Varieties | Bernard Marr | Wine Cellar

Understanding Grape Varieties

Understanding Wine Labels | Bernard Marr | Wine Cellar

Understanding Wine Labels

The Wines of the World | Bernard Marr | Wine Cellar

The Wines of the World

Wine Trends & Technology | Bernard Marr | Wine Cellar

Wine Trends & Technology

Wine and Food Pairing | Bernard Marr | Wine Cellar

My Wine Adventures

Wine & Food Diary | Bernard Marr | Wine Cellar

Wine and Food Pairing

Wine Reviews | Bernard Marr | Wine Cellar

Wine Reviews

Some of my most memorable wines